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Pherusa doesn't yet own her own guitar, but finds that wherever she goes, she somehow always ends up with one anyway.

(Pherusa is a rare instance among these images where the initial generation was NOT her face, and also the first time I discovered that DALL-E could and would generate images that it would then turn around and immediately refuse to edit, claiming that they violate its own content policy. Fantastic! I persisted in finishing her, she just took an unusually large reserve of persistence. She may forever remain the only one of these girls who ever gets to wear a bikini.)



A just-4-fun GIF animation made up of all the attempts to generate a proper face for Pherusa (and even the final choice included here looked relatively dodgy prior to algorithmic restoration).

A just-4-fun GIF animation made up of all the attempts to generate a proper face for Pherusa (and even the final choice included here looked relatively dodgy prior to algorithmic restoration).